Import business from H.K,T.W & abroad to China |
Your current location: Home-Import business from H.K,T.W & abroad to China |
We provide you with professional import business by air cargo or express (by DHL, UPS, TNT, FedEx express) through Hong Kong to mainland China, Taiwan.
DHE company in mainland China and Hong Kong are opened TNT express import account, at the same time opened in H.K DHL, UPS, FedEx express import account. Our clients can import the goods through DHE from any place in the world, and can transfer through DHE global network to Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan.
At the same time, we can arrange to import according to the clients´s requirements, and adopt methods such as include import tax, contract cancel after verification.We will provide relatively transparent and reasonable price.
South China Sales management service center:
Tel:+86-755-6115 7245
MSN: juicebypyt@163.com
Skype: acsexp_fcsj
Contact Name: Mr. Terry Peng